bicentennial eviction
My name is Jose and I am one of the many beneficiaries of a law is not enforced. The number of years I've been looking for my own home is the same as I have in life. It could have been just a speech but the fight became a real possibility when we get detailed in a government program. The legislature City was a new institution and that is why the first law passed we got had the number 8, was March 1997 and Anibal Ibarra was the vice president of that institution. If I start to recall in detail the Head of Government, Fernando de la Rua, take long to get used to appeal evictions judicial office in favor of the neighbors. Take long to enforce the law. As I was on the committee that was created from the first article tena an obligation to explain that the government consistently failed to comply with the second eviction had to be suspended forever. On December 28, 1999 we were able to detail how the state should join me to build my home with my own efforts. My house and all the neighbors of the ex-AU3. Already knew that being a particular law did not include everyone who had problems like mine. But a precedent for establishment and continuity of a policy that would help to spread and then multiply by example. 324 law gave me the right to sweat once more to raise the walls of my house, the choice of program is called "self." The Government only had to give me a new brick for each one that I had placed in the last 25 years.
the current Head of Government has ignored all laws and has broken his word on every commitment made in these 2 pretending years of management ashamed to propose a business in return for renouncing our rights. He is cheaper for us to hand Mauricio Macri $ 90,000 and allow to settle him to travel anywhere in the world before me those bricks. It is the gift of an engineer to explain it and not getting a single question, is her ability to avoid giving us the word. Occupy a home without use or because I needed a destination for 10 years and am only one occupant. These bricks became a very important goal for my life, my identity. And many neighbors did the exchange and said goodbye with respect. Thanked me for that kind of money, if we had been all these years participating and organizing, they had never had the opportunity to receive that money. you can not be helped. Maybe once someone figures out how to put a prisoner along with the heads of failure and disappointment of our law, the constitution of the Town and Country, who only wanted to give us a home.
In this bicentenary we are more expensive evictions that are willing to pay. And that makes us at least the most valued of all Argentina. In 2008, the 451 evacuated buildings in the city that comes to finding left in the street to more families in their own offices are willing to document. Not included in this account that I do business with the ex-AU3. In 2009 there were many more cases. I imagine this 2010 building a new future and I'm sure we will do so despite the time that we lost. My colleagues do not be surprised if I ask you to make an effort to name the "Ejector bicentennial," but never believed in declarative laws, the consensus is is that you are the "expulsion of the bicentennial," and not give him an opportunity to organize the flight.
(*) José Acuña is a member, representing the neighbors beneficiaries of the Programme Monitoring Committee Ex-AU3 created by Act 324 of the City of Buenos Aires. DNI 11,428,306
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