Friday, March 25, 2011

First Stages Of Chicken Pox

Major investment projects that come

Why the Peruvian economy is one of the most dynamic in the world? Among other things, the large investments that is capturing, within the framework of a model that provides clear rules. It is known that investment is a key component of gross domestic product. The most abundant, growth prospects have an economy. And among the public and private investment, the latter is by far the most important, it offers much higher potential to the public, necessarily limited by the proverbial lack of fiscal resources.

Thus, the following table, published today by the Central Bank in its Inflation Report, which shows large private projects to develop in the short term, provides a good reference about what to expect in terms of growing our economy.

Major Projects, multimillion-dollar investments (click to enlarge).

it can be seen in mining megaprojects Bambas and Toromocho, which will bring large revenues from license fees and royalties to the Apurimac and Junin, respectively, the southern Andean pipeline, which will revolutionize the energy supply of Cusco, Puno, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna, the pipeline extension reaching Pisco to ensure the supply of Lima and the central area, and allows the construction of petrochemical plants (one of which appears in the table), including ethane, we become producer of plastics, construction of the pipeline from Block 67, whose reserves will double oil production, the stunning Yellow Line Expressway in Lima, including a tunnel under the River Rimac, multiple power plants (hydro and thermal), several plants that will process the Bayovar phosphate, the ore dock in Callao, the new pier Paita (including two cranes porch), a stretch of the Autopista del Sol, which when completed will link with its two driveways, Lima and Sullana, the treatment plant's wastewater Taboada, at Callao, which will clean up at last the beaches of Lima, the culmination, in the segment of Puno, the Inter-Oceanic Highway South, and many other projects, which will require investments of billions of dollars. Amounts that the State would never be able to invest. Merit

economic policy, mindful of economic realities and fiscal constraints, facilitates the fundamental contribution of capital. This policy now twenty year period and, in light of the achievements we all know him and the prospects opened up with projects such as those noted, should continue.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Tanning Bad After A Wax?

Great Recognition Peruvian Gastronomy

It's not just rave reviews from famous people, or very favorable reviews in major newspapers, magazines and websites in the world (eg this article published last year by the China agency Xinhua). Now everything is official recognition, carried out by an organization at the highest level, which puts her in the seat where it belongs.

Indeed, the Organization of American States (OAS), the most important political body of the continent, our food distinguished by naming Cultural Heritage of the Americas for the World .
In fact, there was an award of its kind in the body. But our delicious food led to its creation, so now every year, the awards "cultural expressions that best represent the heritage of the countries of this hemisphere."

This was stated by the Secretary General of the agency, the Chilean José Miguel Insulza, who in his speech also said, "We are pleased to honor the cuisine Peru, it has transcended its original boundaries, has become a great ambassador and attraction for this beautiful country and remains a living representation of their cultural heritage. "He said well what is happening in Peru when he said:" Gastronomy not just the sum of flavors and products. It reflects the relationship that develops between the man and his environment, between man, land, history, geography, people, is a reflection of the links created by individuals with their land, its fruits, its colors , their customs. "

official act before these solemn words, Insulza had already referred enthusiastically to the topic, leaving find it a bitter taste of our dishes, and even recommending visiting our country to enjoy the pleasure of eating well.

No wonder. As for him, or to the Chilean newspaper some time ago dufundió the attached advertisement, the taste of ceviche, tiradito, aji de gallina, causa, to the northern dry, lomo saltado, carapulcra, picarones, kebabs and so many other delicacies is increasingly irresistible. The fame of Peru as a gastronomic paradise continues to grow, and begins to provide important benefits to various sectors, including tourism.

The new House of Gastronomy (Photo: Andina)

And so the celebration will continue at home in Lima was inaugurated in the beautiful House Post Office, called the Chef's House in that will spread paying homage, everything related to this cultural event, with the fame and prestige that is making our country.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best Skates To Prevent Lace Bite

Moody's changed the outlook Peruana to positive from stable

Although not a change of rating, it is still positive news. The credit rating agency Moody's, one of the three largest in the business, along with Standard & Poor's and Fitch, improved from stable to positive the outlook for the rating Peru.

The agency now puts us (like the other two) in the Investment Grade, Baa3 level. As noted, the Baa2 level rise will be decided within six or twelve months if you have defined the economic course that will take the country after the presidential elections and the change of command.

As is known, an improved credit rating means the recognition that a country has good financial standing, which, in addition to allowing honor their debts, reflects an appropriate macroeconomic management, growth base. Thus, this becomes a better credit (In increasingly favorable conditions) and a most reliable destination for investment. And that certainly benefits all its inhabitants.

In fact, Peru has already done more than enough merit to be promoted to the rank below. Relevant economic indicators are even better than those of several countries that already hold this graduation. If they do not yet have Moody's nor the other two agencies is only by the political factor, which persist the threat of reversal, which could lead the economy in many different ways to the traveled over the last twenty years. This is reflected not only in the indecision of the agency, but also in the title of his latest report, no doubt based on the latest polls: "Presidential Elections Pose Little Threat to Policy Continuity in Peru" ("Presidential Elections pose a certain threat of Continuity in Economic Policy Peru "). not for this uncertainty, our country and may be benefiting, for several months, so a better credit rating is in terms of investment and financial flows.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lennox Packaged System Pricing

Peru in Latin America by: Revenue Inbound Tourism 2009

receptive tourism is showing progress in the various countries of Latin America. Grows the number of visitors, and with them the income they leave behind. So the figures reveal that the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) recently published in one of his Statistical Papers.

Given the importance of the activity, not only as a generator of foreign exchange but also employment (because thanks to it's business energize airlines, travel agencies, car rentals, restaurants, centers lodging, sale of handicrafts, and many more) it is logical that governments work to promote it. Obviously, results are different in each country, depending on the particular conditions existing in them. Some have the advantage of being close to major tourist source, others the appeal of its history and culture, and others the beauty of its beaches and landscapes, and has also, of course, who can boast all these advantages.

According to ECLAC, the country with more inbound tourism revenue in 2009 was Mexico, which received more than $ 12 billion. Undoubtedly, the wide variety of attractions and the proximity to the world's leading economic power, which annually sends a large contingent of visitors, is crucial for this excellent performance. A great distance

followed Brazil, which had revenues of over U.S. $ 5.600 million. There is no doubt that the South American giant has a very good reputation as a travel destination.

In the third place was Argentina (another country with strong appeal and receiving a massive influx of Brazilian visitors) and fourth in a very small country, but much sought by the beauty of its landscapes and beaches : Dominican Republic.

Our country, seventh in this ranking, earned revenues of U.S. $ 2.440 million (according to data Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism). By comparing this figure to U.S. $ 837 million in 2002 can properly appraise experienced great improvement. In 2010, the figure has risen considerably, to $ 2.741 million, contributed by 2.3 million people. Of that total, Chileans and Americans, in that order, are our most frequent visitors.

While the larger countries of the region's tourism income is not too large a contribution in respect of its GDP (in Brazil represents 0.3% and 1.4% in Mexico) in the smaller countries do have a weight relevant. An example is Uruguay, where the tourist income is equivalent to no less than 4.5% of their product.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank You For Sharing Our Special Day Baptism

The Political Economy of Free Market should continue

recommend reading the interesting article the last gasp of Velasco, published a few days ago for the excellent journalist Jaime de Althaus in the newspaper El Comercio, and taking into account the fundamental importance of the choice of April 10, the following is a brief comment about the current political situation, focusing, however, in the economic aspect, we consider more than enough to express a clear vision and decisive.

The current policy free market, started in the 90's, and kept unchanged since then, must continue. Why? Because it has allowed Peru:

- Become one of the countries with higher economic growth worldwide. China is one of the few countries in the world beyond us. That growth will not only be explained by the high prices of our exports (which has only occurred in recent years), but mainly by strong growth in domestic demand, namely the increased use of people and increased investment in companies, with the help of restoring confidence and improving the outlook. Is it a growth
limited to high-income sectors? No. It's a growth that reaches the entire population, as evidenced by the explosion in the number of phones, the massive sales of televisions, computers or DVD, on record sales of cars, motorcycles and taximotos, urban development is seen in inner cities, the growing attendance at the stadiums, theaters and entertainment centers in the best equipment in the warehouses and other small neighborhood businesses, restaurants increasingly crowded, in the shiny malls and crowded poor neighborhoods of Lima or provinces, increasing sales of clothing, in increasing assistance to beauty salons and gyms, etc..

- Having a balanced public budget, deficits without causing inflation. From the 90, Peru only spend what you have, because "little machine" of BCR stopped working forever. But now that the state collects more than before (not by the presence of higher taxes, but by the strong growth of the economy), has much more ability to make social spending or to implement countercyclical policies against external shocks. The current state, although much smaller, is much more efficient and powerful as inflationary, bureaucratic and state debt before, the owner of many inefficient public enterprises and collapsed for its abysmal management. The state today has no deficits, has reduced its external debt to a minimum, yet have the resources to build (without incurring imbalances) monumental works as the Lima Metro or the new National Stadium, and to pave hundreds of kilometers of roads, extending electricity coverage, build water and sewage networks, delivering hundreds of thousands of computers to poor children, etc..

- Having one of the lowest inflation in the world. This is a great achievement, considering how inflation affects the most poor. When the country followed the statist policies, populists and unorthodox that one candidate now incredibly raises reset, sank into the swamp of hyperinflation, the hiperrecesión and external indebtedness, and all massively impoverished Peruvians.

- Having one of the world's most stable currencies. New Sun still maintains the same parity against the dollar than twelve years ago. That has improved the purchasing power of Peruvians in dollar terms, and allows those with long-term debt in that currency (derived from mortgage loans or investment products) can be calm, without fear eventual devaluation. It has also reduced dollarization, allowing the sun to return to the limelight.

- Keep records of foreign direct investment, ie investment that is intended for long-term productive activities. That is, among other things, a Constitution (1993) and legislation that, while clearly establishing the rules and submission to the Peruvian law, foreign investment provide all guarantees and facilities operate quietly in the country, competing on an equal footing with domestic investment.

- achieved record levels of international reserves, which now exceed U.S. $ 44 billion, to which Peru is today one of the countries of the world best reserves / GDP. The abundant liquidity in foreign currency is the best protection that the country has to face any international financial crisis.

- Forging a much more competitive business sector. Thanks to legislation that promotes competition in all markets, our entrepreneurs will not only successfully compete against thousands of imported products, but, having been strengthened by this new attitude, have lost their fear and begin to dabble heavily in other countries, not only exporting their products, but even building factories. So groups demonstrated Ajegroup, Gloria, Brescia or Romero, who are already present in many Latin American countries and even in some of Asia. This is done without any privileges granted by the government, just at the point of increasing efficiency, productivity and competitiveness, generated by the model of openness.

- Create a strong domestic demand. In the twenty years that it has applied the free market model, the Peruvian GDP has expanded five times, growing from U.S. $ 29 billion in 1990 to U.S. $ 153 billion today. Given that 97% of the GDP is made up of domestic demand (consumption people, business and government and investment companies) can get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow they grew this, which is much larger today than before. This is demonstrated by the fact that today our economy is growing almost 9% per year, with the enormous dynamism of the industry (which are not weakened with the model of openness, as posed by heterodox and protectionism, but rather strengthened) construction (the most dynamic sector of all), trade and services, and despite the decline in traditional export sectors such as fishing and mining.

- Having a pension fund of over U.S. $ 30 billion, which guarantee decent pensions for more than four million future pensioners. This fund is invested professionally by the AFP in the most cost-effective financing options, in order to consistently increase the amount. Furthermore, by its sheer size, is a fundamental source of long-term resources for the economy.

- have managed to invest in private investment of billions of dollars in the construction of economic infrastructure. Through privatizations and concessions, and with no or minimal cost by the State, Peru has built in recent years the South Pier of Callao, roads (including including the Inter-Oceanic), highways (such as that already goes to Chincha and Ica arrive soon, or that come to Trujillo), power plants, transmission lines and pipelines, as well as significantly improved Jorge Chavez Airport and several provinces and has dramatically expanded its coverage of telephony, Internet and television (the latter an accelerated process of digitalization).
And soon it will expand the South Pier and North Pier will be built of Callao, and the second runway at Jorge Chavez airport in Cusco Chincheros and Pisco, the new container quay of Paita (with cranes porch), the southern Andean pipeline, the new port of Yurimaguas (connection point for the road-river North Oceanic), the new expressway called the Yellow Line Lima, Ica and petrochemicals in Ilo (that will give value added to our natural gas and venture into the production of plastics, etc.).

- have restored the long-term loans. With macroeconomic stability, as well as the abundant international credit that is accessed by our country, businesses and individuals now have full-term credits (up to thirty years), and lower interest rates, either to finance productive investment or to build or purchase homes.

- have returned to turn Peru into a major agricultural exporter, but now with a more diversified portfolio. Thanks to the massive private investment in Chavimochic or Ica valleys or the coast, Peru is now a major world producer of asparagus, avocados, paprika, piquillo peppers, mangoes and artichokes. And with the possibilities opened up the brand-new TLC, is expected to occur likewise with citrus, grapes and sugar cane ethanol. In addition, under the privatization process, our country managed to recover its sugar sector, which now serves efficiently market and re-export. The coffee sector has also begun to spring up with record exports.

- have significantly reduced the levels of poverty and extreme poverty. This has been possible thanks to the high growth (increasing demand of labor and thus brings new revenue to households) and government social programs (Together and others) that directly address the most vulnerable, giving money to parents, in exchange for commitments to enroll in schools for their children and vaccinating.

- Have achieved record exports. Between 1990 and 2010, these have grown tenfold, from just U.S. $ 3.300 billion to $ 35 billion. And not just the traditional rose, but also nontraditional those (such as textiles and apparel, chemicals, the iron and steel, metalworking and metal minerals) carry a level of industrialization. Unlike other countries, this result does not stem from pro-export exchange rates, subsidies or other artificial advantages, but unique competitive effort, led by the model of openness.

- have agreed to the largest markets in the world. Thanks to the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Peru now has free entry, without any duty to pay, the United States, China, Canada and other countries. And very soon too freely enter the European Union, which already block successfully negotiated. That opens up tremendous prospects for growth for our exporters (both large and small), from one moment to another are remarkably expanded its market, and gives them an advantage over their competitors in countries without FTAs. This creates powerful sales boom joints backwards, since streamlines the many companies that provide inputs to exporters.
addition, the validity of these treaties is a huge incentive for large international companies are installed in our country, in order to export to these markets.
Moreover, thanks to them the Peruvian consumers and producers access to lower prices, a real modern, high technology, such as industrial machinery, vehicles of all kinds, computers, televisions, scientific instruments, etc.

- have helped improve the country's decentralization. Not only through the delivery to the regions to manage their large hydro projects (Majes Jequetepeque-Zana, Chira-Piura, Chavimochic, etc), but also through the provision of substantial resources from canon and royalties. This is allowing Cusco and Ucayali (for gas), Loreto and Piura (for oil), Moquegua, Tacna, Ancash, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Pasco, Cusco, Lima, La Libertad, Junin and Puno (by mining) Huancavelica (for electricity) and Callao (the port movement) have multi-million dollar figures for its development, what we're seeing in the building, with its own resources, paved roads, stadiums, water treatment systems , improving schools, health centers, etc. And the same will happen soon with Junin and Apurimac, where mega-projects into production as Toromocho and Las Bambas.
The increasing decentralization is also highlighting the construction, by domestic and foreign investors in large shopping centers, such as Arequipa, Trujillo, Piura, Chiclayo, Chimbote, Ica, Huancayo and Cajamarca.

- have sharply reduced the country risk and have improved our credit rating. Thanks to its good economic management, which places it as a country of strong growth and no trouble paying their debts, Peru has become one of the lowest risk levels in Latin America, and has received the Investment Grade the world's top three ratings (Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch), you can access, so Therefore, to international credit without major restrictions and interest rates much lower than countries that do not enjoy an enviable position. And those favorable conditions not only enjoy the great bankers, but ordinary borrowers, as they move to the national claims of all levels.
And with the above, the massive investment comes, knowing that enters a country reliable.

- have led to a record flow of tourists. Thanks to social peace, economic stability and even better international image of Peru (underpinned by the success of the campaign to declare the wonder of the world Machu Picchu and the successful completion of two global megacumbres), last year entered the country more than two million tourists, leaving substantial income. Knowing the huge multiplier effect of this activity (because such income does not only benefit the big travel agencies or airlines, but also to vendors of souvenirs, taxis, restaurants, lodging, entertainment centers, etc.). you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it means for cities like Cusco. And the success has been replicated in other places, like Chicago (with the Museum of Sipan) and Paracas, where he has invested many million dollars in the construction of hotels and resorts.

- have made the Lima Stock Exchange in one of the most profitable in the world. This is due to the spectacular performance of our businesses, they grew up, to obtain high profits and generous dividends distributed, massively attract investors from home and abroad. It not only benefit the companies themselves, they can attract more resources for their projects, or large financial investors, but also, for example, the millions of members of the AFP, that through these institutions and invest in the stock market get high returns for their funds Pensionaries. The

above is a tight and incomplete summary of the positive effects that the free market model has had on the economic performance of Peru, not in the past five years and along a single government, but over the last twenty years and under Led by three different presidents. Successful model that should still be running, as it is proving to be quite suitable to lead our country in the fastest way, the long awaited development. It has made a major advance, but much more. Obviously, it requires some improvements to make it more efficient, but nothing else.

What the candidates currently vying for the Presidency of the Republic ensure the continuation of this successful economic policy and the above results? Of the top five, so ensure Toledo, Castañeda, Fujimori and Kuczynski. The fifth, unfortunately, does not guarantee the same, but rather a dismantling of the advanced and a return to heterodox policies, statist and protectionist demonstrably failed in our country and around the world.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Replacementtrucktool Boxlock

Peruvian investment Abroad:

is no doubt that the Peruvian foreign investments are increasing significantly. A sample is what they are doing Ajegroup, installing production plants in several Latin American countries, and now even in the far-away India, gigantic. The same is true of Alicorp, the Gloria Group or the Group Brescia, that a couple of years we were pleasantly surprised by buying the leading cement company in Chile.

If however, despite its increasing momentum, the numbers are still exorbitant sometimes assumed from information unclear. Indeed, in order to have a better idea about these movements, both investment received as issued, the IMF made last year a study of more than hundred countries, with information for 2009.

Now, the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) has published the results. These show that, in terms the investment made by our country abroad, the cumulative figure was U.S. $ 1.425 billion at the end of 2009. Of this amount, U.S. $ 1.628 billion under the capital invested by our businesses, while $ 268 million for debts that they have with their foreign subsidiaries.

As you can see in the box above, until 2007 the amount invested outside were very low or zero. Is from 2008, when they reached their highest level, which have increased significantly, becoming much more sustained. The main destinations for these flows have been Chile, Brazil, United States, Colombia and Bolivia. In the southern country, most of the amount described by that purchase of the cement Melon.

But the figure does not stop there, because according to Central Bank data, in 2010 it increased by another $ 215 million, which totals to date (considering some adjustments to the figures above) U.S. $ 1.677 million. An amount may not be as spectacular as he had initially assumed, but not insignificant. And, given the desire for international growth of our business, quite safe control will continue to increase rapidly.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Homemade Night Splint

the GDP figures for 2010: Progress to February

February also is strong in terms of gross domestic product (PBI). This is the first glimpse data at hand, and have just been published by the Central Bank.

They point, for example, that fishing will, as in January, a positive contribution to GDP, since its capture volume increased by no less than 93%.
oil production also increased significantly, by 37.5% from the hand of the increased extraction of natural gas for both domestic consumption and for export.
local cement shipments are another element to consider, but that relatively modest growth of 6.4% could be reflecting a slowdown in construction.
In contrast, production of electricity itself grew at a significant rate of 10.1%, showing that energy demand in various sectors including industry, remains important.

will have to investigate in the following days, new data that yield a better approximation to the final result to be presented in mid-April. According to the head of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), we expect a significant rate, although hardly as high as January. In addition, the fence set at the base of comparison (in February 2010 was grown 5.73%) is not too easy to leave behind.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Smartbro Canopy Reset

First Line already operates at 500 KV Transmission

In Peru, the system is based on interconnected electric transmission lines to 220 000 volts (or 220 KV-KV), which carry electric power from the central fundamental and major Mantaro power plants across the country.
Then, using the processors in the country many substations, tension is being reduced to meet ever-smaller requirements. Thus, from the initial 220 KV to 138 KV is passed, then to 66 KV, 33 KV, etc., Up to the voltage of only modest 220 volts we receive in our homes.

But now Peru is beginning to dabble in the transfer to a higher voltage, the same as that used in developed countries. It is with this object that has just opened its first line to 500 KV.

500 KV: line projected northward

line is Chilca-The Plain-Zapallal, which has been constructed by the Consortium Transmantaro, belonging to the Colombian company Electric Interconnection (ISA ), licensee of this network and already present in other electrical enterprises in our country. The work, which connects substations of the three areas mentioned, and has demanded an investment of U.S. $ 130 million, including networks of 220 KV and a total of 300 kilometers, passing through several districts in the provinces of Lima (San Bartolo, Punta Negra, Lurin Pachacamac, Cieneguilla, Ate Vitarte and Carabayllo) Chosica (Lurigancho) and Huarochirí (San Antonio).

With the work being incorporated into the national grid much of the energy generated at the new and very powerful pole Chilca thermoelectric (made by plants and Kallpa Chilca I), which, operating from the Camisea natural gas, sum and power more than 1,100 Megawatts (above the hydroelectric complex Mantaro), which will grow further next year when Kallpa opens its turbine combined cycle.

While this line to 500 KV is only 94 kilometers long, is important because it constitutes the starting point for what is coming, as soon Zapallal from the substation will be extended to Trujillo, with an additional tour 530 kilometers in the north leading to no less than 600 MW. And there will continue to Chiclayo.

addition, projects southward, as the company Abengoa will build, within the framework of a concession, a line of 761 kilometers, will plant becoming Mantaro to Moquegua. There are also plans to build a similar line from the substation Chilca, which will be completed by Marcona and capital in Moquegua. With them, this area of \u200b\u200bthe country significantly improve its supply, and large mines will operate smoothly.

500 KV: projected lines to the south.

As you can see, there are plans for transforming the electrical system to go with these lines, which are not only high capacity, but much more efficient than existing lines. It happens that the higher the voltage decreases the resistance of the conductor, so that reduce transmission losses. And that, ultimately resulting in lower costs and tariffs.

I reviewed is essential at a time when Peru, due to its high economic growth rate, is requiring the urgent expansion of its power capabilities, both in generation and distribution, to avoid getting too close the demand supply . Even better if it is done with projects involving greater efficiency and lower costs.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jeff Hardy What Face Paint Does He Use

Peru in the World: 2010 Gold Production Well

updated information advantage of the prestigious United States Geological Survey (USGS), which already has real data estimates for the year 2010 from these days will renew the data in this section every two weeks in regard to the production of various minerals. On this occasion we will refer to gold. We save that for Peru will use the official figure published by the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM).

MINEM, Peru produced 163 tonnes of gold metal. While this volume, equivalent to 6.5% of the world, was down compared to 184 tons in 2009, allowed it to remain in sixth place ranking, which is headed by China, a country that still Australia, United States, Russia and South Africa. As we know, with the exception of the latter countries is much wider geographical spread than ours, which shows the high concentration gold exists here. In terms of reserves, the Peruvian reach the 2 000 tonnes, equivalent to 3.9% of the planet.

of Peru's leading position as a producer of gold is a key element in its external sector, because as this is a safe haven asset against international financial fluctuations, increased its value in turbulent times. This was clearly demonstrated by the recent global crisis, in which the yellow metal rose in price, while the dollar and key metals were dropping theirs. Furthermore, by its beauty and high value, gold is in high demand in jewelry, where it is considered an irreplaceable input. It is also used in industry, particularly in electronics, where it is prized for its excellent conductivity and very low corrosion.

Thanks to events like those mentioned, to maintain high demand and its price (an ounce and several times has exceeded U.S. $ 1.400 in months), in Peru alternating gold and copper as the main generator of foreign exchange, having become the perfect complement to diversify our export basket, and allowing circumstantial offset falls in metal.

In 2010, Peru's leading producers of this beautiful and coveted metal were Yanacocha (27.82% of total), Barrick Misquichilca (19.00%) and Buenaventura (7.33%).

Miniature Canoe Blueprint

began in 2011: in January, the GDP grew 10.02%

The new year began encouragingly in the productive sector. Gross domestic product (GDP) grew no less than 10.02% in January, beating forecasts of various analysts, who forecast a rate of about 9%. Thus, accumulated seventeen months consecutive expansion. The rate of the last twelve months, meanwhile, stood at 9.28%, slightly higher than the end of 2010.
This was announced today by Technical Report, National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).

According to the statistical agency, the excellent result is explained by the strong dynamism of domestic and external demand. The first is reflected real growth of 5.2% in exports, particularly nontraditional, which expanded by 27.7%. The second, meanwhile, was evident in retail sales to households, light vehicle sales, most consumer goods imports, growth in government consumption, investment in construction and import of goods capital.
Undoubtedly, the basis for comparison (as in January 2010 the growth was only 3.80%) also helped.

Fishing was the most prominent sector, reporting spectacular growth of 26.52%, compared with very strong declines in previous months.
But more important was the performance of other sectors, greater weight in GDP. These include the construction, which, continuing his perfect rally-up, reflecting the dynamism with rising infrastructure of all kinds in the country, expanded at the high rate of 16.21%.
The Manufacturing, the most important of all, was not far behind, and also exhibited a very strong rate of 14.39%, this time supported by the good performance of the two subsectors, which grew at an appreciable rate: the No Primary did in 14.81% and 11.99% in primary.
An equally significant figure is that recorded the field of Insurance and Financial Services, whose business grew by 13.9%.

Despite the excellent overall figure, the January increase was not generalized, as the Mining and Hydrocarbons sector experienced a slight decline, attributable to the negative performance of the mining sector, despite the strong dynamism of the hydrocarbon, which continues to expand in the hands of the largest gas production for both domestic consumption and for export.

official forecasts and analysts point to a growth of around 7% at the end of the year. With an impressive rate in January seems to have a basis for thinking about a figure so and even in more. But come to be seen how the coming months. The international financial crisis has not yet finished clearing the Japanese economy (third world) has been hard hit, and Peru is on the verge of presidential elections that, while there seems to be too much risk of a paradigm shift, this is still lurking. Hopefully, then, that plans are not affected by these or other factors and that the Peruvian economy, with its efficient current model proceed apace.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Reciever Upconvert Stereo 5.1

Marca Peru: the Seal of Our Country

Thanks to its good performance in the last two decades, Peru has left back the bad image of country politically and economically unstable, and has been making a good name internationally, carving a reputation that, apart from him self very well to all the natives of this land, it is possible to achieve significant successes beyond its borders. If we speak in business terms, the product Peru, thanks to its achievements, has begun to be looked at very carefully, and with growing respect and even admiration.

But that product was missing something that would symbolize, in a simple and didactic, all virtuoso set of attributes are behind him. A brand that would identify him as others, household names, identifying the world's most famous products. In a world of brands, our country could not lack of his own.

So Brand has created the Peru, which will now be lodged with the logo shown above, the label that will identify us by showing that behind him is the effort of an entire country seeking excellence for what it produces. A seal that will ensure the quality of goods and services that will address here with everyone.

As you can see, the logo is looking simple enough, but to be specialists in advertising, has in its color and its powerful symbolism strokes, as well as to evoke our glorious past, projecting an image of dynamism and modernity.

The idea behind the campaign to launch the brand is presented to Peru as a country of many facets, specialist and captivating. Versatile for its many faces, especially for its attractive at all easy to find elsewhere (for example, its huge rich archaeological and cultural), and winning, for the warmth and hospitality of its people. But not only about that. It also seeks to link the world with our image of a democratic country, fast-growing, high stability, clear rules, respect for contracts, suitable for investment, and, all (because the goal is essentially commercial) producing quality goods and services.

By itself, Peru and has a first class reputation in several aspects, including its rich history, its archaeological heritage, its cultural diversity, its exoticism, its gastronomy and the high quality of a number of its products, such as fine wools, their textiles or various agricultural exports. The increasingly improved position in various international rankings, such as the Country Brand Index, and proves it. The history, culture and tradition of our country have also the important bonus that they are considered authentic, unlike others, considered makeup for marketing purposes.

now want that reputation is incorporated into many more products and services, so the great product that Peru is seen globally as a high quality in all aspects.

The logo, in six different colors, evoking all the good thing about Peru.

While the logo will have as main background color red, you may also have the other five colors presented in the attached images. Its shape and size will vary according to use given their intended. All those who wish to use (eg the exporters or tour operators) will have the best facilities for quick access to it, but must meet the requirements and follow the guidelines of a manual, by which seeks to maintain the prestige of the brand, encouraging them to provide the best possible products. If everyone does its best to prestige, this will return the favor through more customers and more sales.

The brand has already had its official launch, and in style, no less than in the ITB Berlin (the largest in Europe) and the Stock Exchange in New York. So now began the process of becoming known internationally. In the coming months will have intensive advertising campaigns, nationally and internationally, and consolidation will occur when the Peruvian products begin to make massive use of it, around June.

is hoped that with the quality image that the campaign screened on our products and services, exports and tourism will increase substantially, and with a sense of security that will provide for investments to flow into these higher than current levels.

Other countries have, for several years, their respective mark, which have had mixed results, from poor to excellent. Will have to see how things are going to our front of them. We believe that very well, considering it has grounds behind really valuable, not one, but in many ways.

Stretchers In The Beginning

Peru in Latin American Ranking: Percentage of Urban Population 2010

There is a very high correlation between the percentage of urban population and the degree of development of countries. This is demonstrated by following data from the recently published Statistical Yearbook 2010 of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
is natural that to happen, since an urban population, being concentrated in specific geographic areas, can much more easily accessible to major economic activities and the provision of services.
These economic activities are, among others, industry and commerce, generating large employment. The services, meanwhile, are education, health, electricity, water, sanitation, health care, telephony, transport, Internet, etc., all of which are key in defining the development.

rural population, however, is often scattered among a large number of small villages, to which it is almost prohibitive to arrive en masse to the elements mentioned above.
therefore considered that the process of urbanization, and migration to the city, is integral to development. It is the duty of governments to ensure that the inexorable phenomenon takes place in an orderly manner, giving the cities of conditions that enable them to properly absorb population flows.

In Latin America, several countries with a high degree of urban population and, therefore, do not expect higher flows in the direction indicated. These include Venezuela, Argentina and Uruguay, whose percentages of population living in cities over 90%.
Chile and Brazil, a little further back, also have significant proportions of their populations living in cities.

In Peru, the 73.4% of the population is urban. As is known, the flow began shortly before mid-twentieth century, continued strongly in the 50's and 60's and intensified in the 70 and 80, both due to the severe economic crisis of the day (worse in the field for land reform poorly conceived), and the phenomenon of terrorism, which caused the exodus of economic and human capital in the region. Unfortunately, in our country the inexorable migration had an undesirable outcome, as was reflected in the hypercentral of Lima, to the detriment of other cities that did not have the attraction that had the capital itself. Now seeks to reverse this process through decentralization to promote new economic development zones.

As to ratify the high correlation mentioned at the beginning of this note, a number of the poorest countries in the region ranked lowest in the degree of urbanization. Thus we see that in Nicaragua and Guatemala the percentage of urban population reached 60%, while in Honduras barely 50.5%. Undoubtedly, these countries still awaits a long way in terms of internal migration.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lorazepam How Often Can You Take

La Bella La Punta, happily without problems

The beautiful district of La Punta, Callao, is without doubt one of the most exposed to a risk of tsunami, being surrounded by sea on three sides. Therefore, concerned the situation following the massive earthquake in Japan, triggering a tsunami alert across the Pacific Ocean basin.

While we sympathize with the noble people Japanese in this hour of grief, we are pleased that there has been no serious consequences to regret the many people of our extensive coast. As a result, La Punta remains uneventful, as was seen in this spectacular panoramic aerial. We are also pleased that authorities have found these sites acted swiftly by establishing appropriate warnings and making it safe to their populations.

As we know, Peru is part of the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, the most seismic of the world, so always be prepared for such eventualities. The terrible earthquake in Japan has just reminded us.

Photo: Andina

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Western Party Wording

El Callao Expands Depth

With Dock 5 has improved its infrastructure, and its great South Pier (photo above, the most important of all) built less than a year, Callao has expanded its capacity and competence is now receiving many more ships, and much larger than before. Proof of this is the recent decision (see here ) of shippers CSAV, CMA CGM and China Shipping, start entering the terminal regularly with 6.500 TEU vessels (containers of 20 feet or 6 feet long .)

However, this is not enough, since it requires further improvement of conditions in the rest of the bay, as they still are not up to the circumstances, let alone future requirements.

The current entrance, and too narrow.

To this point the work started in December 2010 at the entrance or enter the port area.
Those who demand an investment of $ 62 million, are aimed, on one hand, extend this "door of rocks", which was built in an era of much smaller vessels, and it is quite close to the current demands where ships can have (see here ) about 60 meters wide. Thus, its width in the area, which to date is 140 meters (only 100 in the seabed, as are mountains of rock breakwater) will be 240 (200 in the background.) As seen by comparing the satellite photo and graphics, the northern breakwater will be cut, while the south will be cut and redesigned, extending westward. In addition, both will be reinforced, since they are quite deteriorated.

Expansion of the entrance and dredging Access and inside the bay. (Picture: APN)

parallel, is dredging the seabed, so that both the input channel (the area through which the ships sails to the port), as the maneuvering area and the area , related to the docks leave behind the 14 meters depth and reach 16, as the berthing area is the South Pier.

Also, thanks to the work, the channel will no longer have the limited length of 1.030 meters above, but 2.200. Ie, 2.2 km from the port, the ships and have good conditions seaworthiness and safety as a means of entry will be of great depth and improved signage and marking system, allowing safe operation at any time.

The port, with its eight cranes (background) and its entrance in the expansion (Photo: APN)

As stipulated in the contract, the work will culminate at about half of this year. Since then, the Callao may receive much larger ships, Post Panamax type, up to 350 meters long, 14 meters deep and can carry 8 000 TEU (containers of 20 feet or 6 meters long). All they can maneuver comfortably within the bay. The South Pier, now and ready to receive ships of this type, so you can operate at full capacity (which no doubt encouraged him to expedite the construction of its second stage), while the huge projected and North Pier, about be concession, shall, with the enhanced capacity, an additional attraction for their implementation.
So, way to becoming one of the most deep-water ports on the continent, with major projects pending, the terminal Callao is the way open for further progress towards its goal of becoming a major South American hub.

Lorazepam And Benedryl

Bocana and Reference Rate: 3.75% now is

a result of soaring international prices (particularly oil and food), inflation is being felt internally, as evidenced by the 0.77% cumulative only in the first quarter.

Aware that you can not let the situation get out of control, or to repeat what happened in 2008, when annual inflation reached 6.7% (its highest level in twelve years), the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) is implementing the measures that apply. To that end, today announced, through Briefing Note, a further increase in interest rates reference to monetary policy, from the 3.50% provided only a month ago, to 3.75%.

As is known, the Central Bank sets the rate according to their assessment of the macroeconomic situation, and then ensures that the rates on loans granted by the banking system was closer to her. Thus influences the overall cost of credit in the economy by raising the rate, raises the financial cost to the productive sector, thus preventing the economy which is growing strongly, overspeed and incurring overheating capable of generating inflation.

Thus, the Authority contributes, from his trench, to reduce the momentum of demand, and to counter price pressure comes from outside. Obviously, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) also has to do its part, spending moderating, otherwise neutralize the efforts of the Central Bank.

As can be seen in the graph, with the recent rate hikes is nearing, slowly, the level of 4.5% stake in the peaceful year 2006, before that international inflation first, and the financial crisis, then forced to rise and decrease, respectively, in both cases very rapidly.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does Mucus Come Before Menstration

Gas Exports: February Royalties

In February, the export of natural gas has continued to fulfill two fundamental requirements: from Lot 56 (and not Lot 88, which is regulated prices and is reserved for the domestic market) and is generating higher royalties that the gas sold in the domestic market.

Indeed, as shown in the table above, in the month in question occurred in Block 56 for a total of 17.9 million BTU (unit of measurement of gas), more than 12.2 million BTU produced in Block 88.

to international prices, the volume generated after discounting all relevant costs in this business (transport by pipeline, liquefaction, transport and regasification vessels at the place of destination) a wellhead price of $ 2.9925 per million BTU, ie production value U.S. $ 53.6 million. Since the average international price obtained exceeded U.S. $ 5, corresponded to apply a royalty rate of 38%, equivalent to $ 1.14 per million BTU. That translated into a total royalty of U.S. $ 20.4 million.

As shown in the second box, this helped to achieve, for the third consecutive month, a royalty on exports greater than from sale in the domestic market (U.S. $ 1.14 versus $ 0.63). This situation occurred despite the fact that February was not a good month in terms of price, judging by what it tells us the following graph for the U.S. Henry Hub market.

Fortunately, the export consortium is to overcome such disadvantages through the sale to markets with better prices. One of them is that of Korea, to which it is running the most recent shipments.

That is, although there is still no answer to this before the site made by the government to define two factors referred to in the first paragraph, the facts have demonstrated that already comes to meet these fundamental requirements.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Special Messages To Write In A Book

GDP and GDP Per Capita in Current Dollars 2000 - 2010

In 2000-2010, gross domestic product (GDP) grew Peru (see here) at a cumulative rate of 73.6%, a rate of 5.7% per year. That led to a per capita GDP growth of 53.1% in the decade and 4.35% per year.

But how data is moved in the terms that are often used for international comparisons, ie, in current dollars? Thanks to information provided by the Central Bank (BCR), now I see.

This tells us that in 2000 GDP was U.S. $ 53.377 million. As in 2010 and totaled U.S. $ 153.919 million, means that tripled in the decade. As explained here, that not only explained by our high real growth, but also by the evolution of domestic and foreign prices (especially the latter, which, rising as significantly as they have done, "inflated" data production) as well as the notorious devaluation that has suffered the dollar (which means that, to make the conversion from our strong currency to the weak dollar, the GDP be even larger).

The truth is that, apart from those details, which not only affect our measurements, but also those made by other countries, the Peruvian GDP gain international presence, especially sustained high real growth, low domestic inflation and an increasingly strong currency. That is allowing (see here ) scale positions, and placed near the top 50 worldwide. Moreover, considering the data in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and approaches (see here) into the top 40.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Razer Carcharias Vs Pc350

Peru in Latin American Ranking: Openness of the Economy 2009

The degree of openness, ie the resulting ratio of total Exports and imports of both goods and services, and divide that amount by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reflects the weight of the external sector in an economy. A high rating indicates that this has strong links with the rest of the world, to sell a significant portion of goods and services produced, and also important to buy a portion of those required.

As discussed below, with data published by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in its Statistical Yearbook 2010, countries in our region are very open in this respect, but also some quite focused on their domestic market. While the greatest weight in the relationship it has export and import of goods, in some cases is also significant movement of services.
Data refer to 2009, when something unusual, because the crisis considerably reduced the foreign trade. However, why not stop being a good reference about the external orientation of the various nations of the area.

As shown in the table, countries are economically small holders of the highest degrees of openness. It happens that their flows of goods and services (especially exports of the latter) are indeed important in comparison to its GDP. The most open of all is Panama, whose ratio was 145.4%, showing that the sum total of goods and services exports and imports exceeded comfortably to your product. Without doubt, this has much to do with the fact that the country is a major financial center and a focal point of trade and international transport. Honduras is another country where ratio exceeds 100%.

In larger countries, the degree of economic openness are much lower. Also, it flows of goods are much more important than service. In Mexico, this indicator is 57% and is mainly due to their trade (exports represent only about 25% of its GDP, confirming its status as the main regional exporter), as its only service flow bordering the 5% of the total.

contrast, Brazil is the most focused inward. There, the aperture ratio is low at 22.6%, which is easily verified just noting that its exports are close to 10% of its product.

Of the seven major countries in the region, Chile is the holder of the highest open rate, which reached 68.5%. His status as a major exporter of mining and its high political openness to imports explain the data, the flow of services, however, are of minor importance.

Venezuela, Argentina and Colombia recorded degrees of openness below 40%. However, in the prairie country the indicator exceeded 60% in 2005, with the help of the high price of oil. Service flows, however, there are lower weight throughout the region.

In Peru, the aperture ratio is 43.3% and was mainly in the movement of goods, for the service, although it is growing significantly, it still represents a small percentage. It should be noted that the degree of openness in our country was 33.4% in 2002, and reached 53.4% \u200b\u200bin 2008, after which it decreased due to the international crisis.