Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shoppers Drug Mart Ice Cream Hair

head of government land auction of the first

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Platinum Blonde Lipstick

That the Government of the City enforce the laws, NOW!

Through CLARÍN, today CABA government informs us that "make a place in Chacarita
(" dry ", yes, lest they give the green

With his bombastic announcement of "place" in a small separator
transit authorities of the Autonomous City seek to divert the attention
a very concrete fact: in this whole area, such
authorities of the Autonomous City USURPER REMAIN NEARLY 4 ACRES

6850 Section 49 Zoning
1,329 m2. Effective use Private

surface parking section 47
396 GUZMÁN and free access, "says verbatim CPU-
today are illegally occupied by sheds, parking lots to open
, warehouses and advertisements for" seals ".

The Government of the City enforce the laws, YA !

Sincerely, Gustavo Beade

Friday, August 6, 2010

Likely Hood Of Someone With Pcos

elections on 13 August in local Guard

reschedule the elections for
on 13 August 2010, between 10:00 and 19:00 hours in the local Guard
Auxiliio and Emergency at calle Holmberg
No. 2550 in the presence of Scribe and applicants who request it, will the scrutiny
. After the reception of these
vote, cross out the register the names of voters who did not appear
and indicating at the bottom the number of voters.
A clerk of the General Directorate of General Clerk
witness the act and dress at the request of the president all necessary records. Authorities
table. The table will have sole authority to an official act
the title of president and will have an alternate who will help you and
replaced if necessary. Be appointed by the Secretary for Planning
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of Buenos Aires City

selection methodology. Be used simple majority system with single ballot.
The two candidates who obtained the most votes will integrate
Executing Unit as the first and second supplier. In case of a tie between more than two
applicants, will be called a new election.

documentation necessary to give the franchise. The
national identity (ID) is the one and only document to be submitted to voters
table authorities to issue the ballot. Voters
. Voters are only those included in Annex III of Law No. 3,396